Midas Magazine sixth issue introduces, Pandora's Box an anthology of stories with different acts containing colored themes. I was entrusted with designing two articles: Rebel Renaissance (pp. 50-57) and The Charlotte Mural Walk (pp. 38-47). My goal was to create two pieces that felt genuine to their individual writers and photographers, while also being true to the overall theme, color. The Charlotte Mural Walk highlights various murals in the Charlotte area and pays homage to the history of murals. This was my most difficult article to date because I had no people in the imagery and had to concentrate on the artistry of the murals themselves. The photo-only piece, Rebel Renaissance focuses on the original beauty standard that existed before it was about being skinny with an emphasis on the model's features. The magazine was printed and given out to a thousand students on UNC Charlotte's campus.
The Charlotte Mural Walk is won first place for the College Media Association Pinnacle Awards, Best Magazine Entertainment Page/Spreads (Division 1) 2023​​​​​​​
Software Used: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
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