Connecting NC / Conectando NC was a partnership with East Carolina University and North Carolina State University. The goal of this project was for farmworkers to gain a new level of connectivity with their smartphones and its applications. The result was a 27 page bilingual (spanish and english) color-friendly flipbook. As lead designer I was in charge of designing all the copy pages and most of the illustrations.
The goal of this project is to allow farmworkers to gain knowledge by using technology at their fingertips through the use of a consistently designed (both in illustrations and content) flipbook.
To view the live PDF click this link.
Software Used: InDesign, Illustrator
North Carolina State University's Farmworker Extension
East Carolina University
Throughout the process of creating this flipbook my partner and I tweaked the flipbook's style to try and fit everyone's ideas on the team. We focused on consistency throughout illustrations while also being aware of colorblind friendly options for eahc illustration. Furthermore, I completely overhauled the text to be easily readable by the speaker regardless of what language they spoke. Thhe implementation of color and icons further established the typographical hierarchy and was added last after the text was stylized. 

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